Imagine a community where people have places to gather, know their neighbours, feel safe and have opportunities for healthy choices…

By working together you can make this happen! Join the growing number of Alberta communities who have adopted the Alberta Healthy Communities Approach (AHCA).

The AHCA focuses on making positive changes to the environments where we live, learn, work, play and age and is more effective in creating long-term positive health outcomes than by focusing on behaviour change alone.

The approach uses a five-step process to empower communities to define, assess, analyze, and act on local opportunities.

The approach offers practical tools and resources to:

  • Create connections and collaborate with others
  • Understand community strengths and opportunities for improvement
  • Set priorities and develop a plan
  • Mobilize resources to implement action
  • Measure and celebrate successes

It doesn’t matter what your starting point is, the approach is designed to be flexible and meet you where you are at.

Watch this short video to learn how the Alberta Healthy Communities Approach can be used to create supportive environments that help prevent cancer.

Real lasting change occurs when communities help lead the solution. The Alberta Healthy Communities Approach offers you a practical process to strengthen community capacity, create lasting relationships and connections, build on community strengths and tackle shared challenges.

Alberta Healthy Communities Approach
