Neighbourhoods that incorporate a mix of uses and densities offer opportunities to live, learn, work, and play within the community. Mixed land uses help increase safety and security, strengthen social connections, increase physical activity, and have environmental and economic co-benefits within a neighbourhood.
A neighbourhood that has housing, schools, stores, and other services allows people to meet their daily needs within the community and get to know their neighbours. These are also neighbourhoods that people want to visit, which supports businesses in the area.

Municipalities and community groups have accomplished these initiatives by working together:
- Redeveloping vacant or underused land is one way for communities to bring new uses to existing communities, like Kiyām Community Park, created in downtown Fort McMurray.
- Located near a school, senior lodge, and residential area, the Edson and District Community Garden provides a gathering place to meet others in the community and be physically active in the garden.
- Through neighbourhood planning, the Beltline neighbourhood in Calgary has become a vibrant community and destination for visitors.