Community Stories:

Brooks - Recreation Pass Loan Program

The Brooks and District Drug Task Force wanted to break down barriers to encourage families to play together more.

The Plan

The team partnered up with the City of Brooks and the local Library to offer a FREE Family Recreation Pass. Families that play together...stay together. Quality family time spent together creates positive, trusting and caring relationships within the family.

A family recreation pass was purchased and donated to the library for families to sign out, just like they would a book or DVD. When they sign out the Recreation Pass they get inclusive access to all activities at the City of Brooks Recreation Center for 1 week.

The Outcomes

The program became popular and there is often a waiting list for the pass. What makes it successful is that it breaks down the cost barrier to families, it is at a central location for ease of access and there isn't a lengthy process to sign it out.

There was such a demand to borrow the pass that the City's Recreation and Parks board decided to add a youth, senior and another family pass to the program and to have them available at rural libraries. They plan to have more passes available in schools and senior centers in the future.

"This program is making a huge difference in our community. Getting people active and coming together as a family is what makes a HEALTHY COMMUNITY!" - Resident

Ways to take action: Community Strategies - Physical Activity