Community Stories:

Celebrate Success: Hanna

The Alberta Healthy Communities Initiative (AHCI) involved 19 rural communities partnering with Alberta Health Services (AHS), Cancer Prevention and Screening Innovation (CPSI) to learn and engage in the Alberta Healthy Communities Approach (AHCA). The initiative was based on the principle that, when working together, communities can determine their own solutions to create community environments that support and encourage healthy choices.  

Hanna’s Wellness Network’s journey through the AHCI demonstrates the commitment of a core group of individuals in building a healthy community. From the initial application, to forming a team, Hanna held several meetings to explore and understand the Alberta Healthy Community Approach. After learning more about Hanna’s assets, demographics and local data, the team analyzed the information they collected and prioritized action areas. Their goal was to create free and accessible opportunities for physical activity while at the same time, supporting community connections. The team wanted to focus on encouraging all citizens to be active, healthy, and engaged in their community – this shared vision helped guide Hanna Wellness Network towards achieving this goal. 

The Plan

During the pandemic, the Wellness Network collaborated with local partners to build a Crokicurl surface in town. Snow hills were built using recycled snow that was removed from the streets and toboggans were provided to the local school for classroom use. A local volunteer groomed a ski trail on the town's perimeter and maintained it throughout the winter. Additionally, the ice surface was cleared at Fox Lake, 2 kilometers from town, complete with benches and firepits to provide a space for ice sports and activities. The Wellness Network partnered with the Town of Hanna to add lighting to parks and paths to encourage use in the winter months.

The Outcomes

As a result, families and individuals could connect safely outdoors during this isolating time. Additional grants were then applied for which made purchasing A Block Party Trailer possible. The trailer was filled with assorted items including tables, chairs, games, and shade structures. Another partnership was formed with the Hanna Library to develop a ‘Library of Things’ full of recreational equipment for families and individuals to borrow. Colorful stencils were also painted throughout the town to invite people to stay active.

The Hanna Wellness Network, in collaboration with many community organizations, businesses and volunteers, has demonstrated commitment and resilience throughout the last four years. The dedication of team members, their shared vision and strong community leadership has set the stage for continued collaboration. Thank you, Hanna, for all your hard work and dedication to building healthy communities in Alberta!

To learn more about Hanna’s achievements, watch the following digital story: ‘Relationships are the Greatest Asset’.