Community Stories:
Edmonton - Addressing Food Insecurity
February 02, 2018

Household food insecurity – a lack of money to buy enough healthy food – is a serious issue all over the world. In Alberta, more than 1 in 10 households experience household food insecurity. Household food insecurity contributes to poor health, while poor health places households at greater risk for food insecurity.
At its root, household food insecurity is an income-related issue. Addressing household food insecurity means ensuring all Albertans have enough money to meet their basic needs.
The Plan
Food4Good is a food programming division of the Jasper Place Wellness Centre, a community development organization in Edmonton. Food4Good is the result of collaboration between organizations and residents to address food insecurity in Edmonton's west end. They strive to create communities where food is a driving connector for learning, sharing, growing and celebrating.
There four main areas of focus are: Growing, Cooking, Access and Advocacy. Programs include community gardens, food skills workshops, collective kitchens, affordable produce markets, kid’s health education, and policy work around household food insecurity.
The Outcomes
In the summer of 2017, Food4Good teamed up with the Alberta Policy Coalition for Chronic Disease Prevention (APCCP) in Edmonton, Alberta to explore community perspectives on income-related responses to household food insecurity. Watch the following video below to hear what community members had to say and how to get involved.
For more information visit:
Ways to take action: Community Strategies - Financial Strain