Community Stories:

Wembley - Bucket Garden Project

The Wembley Community Action Team’s - Healthy Communities Initiative suddenly gained momentum in May 2020. At a time of community challenges related to Covid-19, the team quickly mobilized partners to create 100 bucket gardens to help residents develop the skills needed for gardening. Research shows that gardening can increase motivation, self-esteem, social and mental health. As the global pandemic brings on feelings of anxiety and isolation, gardening is an effective activity to positively impact health and wellness.


The Plan

The planning committee, local partners and many volunteers came together quickly to design, purchase and distribute the buckets which included supplies and instructions necessary to start a small garden project.

The Outcomes

Social media was used to share information on the project through Facebook and other online posts were used by community partners involved. A local paper captured the initiative, highlighting the rapid community response. The interest in the bucket gardens was overwhelming and a lottery draw was used to determine the successful recipients as over 175 people registered!

Working together through challenging times demonstrates community resilience.

News article and Photo Courtesy of Rebecca Dika,Town & Country News

Ways to take action: Community Strategies - Mental Health