Housing is a complex issue involving all levels of government, the private sector, and non-profit organizations. Unaffordable, unsuitable, and unstable housing negatively impacts physical and mental health. Stable, safe housing significantly improves health and reduces the cost of health care and social supports. A variety of housing unit types and sizes can help provide housing that is safe, healthy, and affordable for everyone.

Municipalities and community groups have accomplished these initiatives by working together:
- The Town of High River worked with partners to outline the affordable housing needs in their community to support long-term planning, read more 2022 High River Affordable Housing Needs Assessment Report.
- Edmonton, Calgary and Lethbridge have municipal programs or policies to offer surplus land for affordable housing development. Organizations can offer affordable housing through grants, tax policies, or offering surplus land for development.
- Invest Medicine Hat and the City of Lethbridge created a supportive planning and regulatory environment by offering financial incentives and partnerships.
- Calgary and Edmonton have Veterans Villages developed by the Homes for Heroes Foundation, which provide specialized housing options for veterans. Municipalities can support these initiatives through the development approval process.