

Help Topics

  • Template download instructions
  • Working with the templates
  • Converting the templates to an online survey

Template download instructions

Once you've answered all the questions related to your project, you will be presented with a download page. The page will have one or more Microsoft Word templates available for you to download. Click on the link beside the Word icon to download the template to your computer. 

Working with the templates

Each template is pre-populated with standard survey questions for you to use related to the type of survey that is recommended. There is red text throughout the document to help indicate content that should be updated with your project's information. 

Step one: Edit the name, date, etc for your initiative. 

At the start of the template there are areas indicated in red text that should be updated to define the background information for your initiative. This will help survey takers know what health promotion initiative they are being asked about. 

Step two: Select your survey questions.

Each template is set up with a standard library of core questions related to what is recommended for measurement. These are meant as a starting point. Read through the questions and decide which questions you want to use. Delete the questions you don't want to use or are not relevant to your initiative. Any red text in this section indicates information that you need to update or gives options in how to frame a question.

You don't have to use all the questions in the template and you can also add your own questions to the survey. Edit as needed.

Step three: Save

Once you've finalized your questions, save your document.

Converting the templates to an online survey

There are many online survey systems out there like SurveyMonkey, GoogleForms and Zoho that make it easier to gather feedback. While the templates are meant for more in-person written type respsonses, you can still use them to help build an online survey. 

By downloading the template and following the Working with Templates instructions, you will be able to create all your questions beforehand. Once you've created your survey in Word, it's simple to cut and paste into an online system of you choice. The Word template gives you a record of the questions asked and a backup document if something happens to the online version.

If you are using an online survey make sure to set a timeline for when the survey closes so you have accurate reporting on results. Make sure to follow Canadian CASL rules when distributing the survey link to others.

Also remember that is a good idea to export all data from the online tools once your survey finishes so you always have a record of responses.