Evaluation Toolkit
Infrastructure - Surveys

Downloads for initiatives not linked to health messaging
We suggest a survey to understand change in Behaviour
The Microsoft Word template provided below has pre-populated questions that measure Behaviour. Use these as the starting point for your survey. Edit these questions to create a custom survey that suits your initiative and/or add additional questions.
Survey Template for Behaviour
125KB Download.
Why measure Behaviour?
Measuring behaviour in participants allows us to determine the effectiveness of infrastructure change and enhancement to community environments. It helps us gauge the impact of the initiatives on the behaviors of community members and identify areas for improvement.
Measuring behaviour also assists us in ensuring sustainable change in the community. When infrastructure change and enhancement occur without health messaging, there is a possibility that behaviour changes may not be sustained. Measuring these changes can reveal effective strategies to encourage long-term behavioural change, leading to a positive impact on health and wellbeing.
For Online Surveys

Our surveys are meant primarily to be printed for in-person sessions. If you are planning to deliver them online, you can use our surveys as an easy way to map out your online version.
The goal of the toolkit is to provide users with a structured set of questions. These questions can easily be used in the online survey tool of your choice. This will save time by having all the questions built out beforehand.
For more help in converting the Microsoft Word template to an online survey, click here.
Need Additional Help?

Looking for help on assessing your initiative or additional help around the AHCA? Connect with one of our Community Coaches for a personal session.