Community Stories:
Early Childhood Coalitions of Alberta
May 10, 2018
Almost 100 coalitions currently exist in Alberta to raise awareness of the importance of the early years within their unique community context.
The Plan
Celebrating Collective Impact
The funding for ECCA ended on March 31, 2020. Please read this Report Back to Community to learn more about the incredible work ECCA accomplished between 2015-2020. Congratulations to each and every individual who contributed to increasing the awareness of early childhood in communities across Alberta. Watch the celebration video here.
The Outcomes
Listen to the following podcast to gain insight into the work of ECCA.
Multisectoral collaboration, partnership,
So much amazing work is being done in Alberta for our youngest citizens.
How did things get started? See ECMAP for past projects and resources.
Sample of Early Childhood resources:
- Beaumont & Leduc video
- Edmonton Early Years Coalitions
- First 2000 Days - Calgary
- Lethbridge
- Grande Prairie
- Slave Lake