Community Stories:

Pincher Creek – Shade Structures at Spray Park

Pincher Creek Wellness Committee identified reducing UV exposure as an important community initiative.

The Plan

The team planned to build a shade structure to be placed at a new spray park that had limited natural shade such as trees and foliage. The team partnered with the Town of Pincher Creek and the Spray Park Committee to sponsor a shaded picnic table to be installed in the summer of 2018.

The team approached a local business, Boulder Metal Industries, to help build and paint the structure. Local welders took it upon themselves to add a custom design adding pine trees to the canopy. The Town of Pincher Creek supported this initiative by installing the structure before the grand open on July 1, 2018.

The Outcomes

The locally-made sunshade is in the perfect location and is used daily throughout the summer by community members. Committed partners coming together to design, build and install shade structures is a simple way to engage your community in building healthy places and space for all!

Ways to take action: Community Strategies - UV Protection